Nokia - Fostering Innovation
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB023
Case Length : 14 Pages
Period : 1997 - 2002
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Nokia
Industry : Mobile Telecommunication
Countries : Finland
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"Our approach is to create classic, timeless designs that
combine ergonomics with aesthetics. Shapes, colors and contours that can deliver
harmony, balance and beauty."
-Jorma Ollila, Chairman and CEO, Nokia Corporation.
"When an artist is really excited and does a sculpture day
and night, then he is energized by it, because its in his hands and he owns it.
This is how you get art. Our artists aren't just closing their eyes and waiting
until the innovation comes. We are innovating all the time."
-Yrjo Neuvo, Head of R&D at Nokia.
Yet Another Innovation at Nokia...
Hollywood stars, pop singers, business tycoons and the super rich now have a new
luxury toy, courtesy Nokia Corporation (Nokia). In January 2002, Vertu, a
subsidiary of Nokia, entered the premium end of mobile phone market with a jewel
encrusted, platinum finished instrument that had a sapphire crystal screen and
ruby bearings.
Nokia, which had so far concentrated primarily on the mass market, entered the
luxury phone segment, with the aim of converting the mobile phone into a status
symbol and a mode of self-expression. By 2002, Nokia had emerged as the
strongest brand in the mobile handset industry and was able to hold its own
against companies like Motorola, Sony-Ericsson, Samsung, Siemens, etc.
It had a market share of about 36%,
which was much larger than that of its competitors (Refer Exhibit I.) The
company offered a comprehensive portfolio of products covering all segments
of consumers. In 2002, Nokia introduced about 33 new devices around the
world (Refer Exhibit II for some of the devices.)
These included a number of new handsets as well as a
messaging device and a gaming model. According to analysts, Nokia
served as the industry model for aggressively and effectively
segmenting the mobile phone market and developing a number of
products for segments.
Nokia was able to achieve market leadership because of its constant
efforts towards developing a corporate culture, which fostered
innovation. Nokia gave a lot of importance to innovation and
creativity and made a conscious effort to create and maintain a
culture which focused on diversity and the benefits that accrued
from it. |
All the policies of the company aimed at creating, what the
company called, "an inclusive environment," i.e. a culture which seeks to uphold
and benefit from diversity. The R&D system was also an open one where any idea,
no matter how absurd it sounded initially, was given due consideration. A number
of such absurd sounding ideas later emerged as star products or features in the
Nokia line-up. Nokia's culture was responsible for the number of 'firsts' it had
to its credit (Refer Exhibit III.)
Nokia - Fostering Innovation
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